
v.2.6.1      2019.12.16     


      如果还是要以前的id作为压缩包名称,那么修改449行:"packNameBy": "title",

      将 packNameBy 的值 title 修改为 id, 再按 ctrl + s 保存。

V 2.6   2019.12.16 


V 2.5   2019.12.2



V 2.4   2019.3.17

    1. 调整图片排序的命名,格式化数字(1显示为01),便于查看时顺序一样

    2. edge会闪退,原因不知,未修复

V 2.3   2018.5.31  

    1. 兼容edge

V 2.2  2018.4.7      


V 2.1   2018.4.2  

    1. 调用Tampermonkey API 实现跨域下载,无需修改启动参数

V 2.0  2018.4.1  

    1. 压缩包内增加贴子地址txt


V 1.9   2018.4.1  

    1. 新增打包下载,图片重命名(需开启浏览器跨域)

V 1.8   2018.3.31



V 1.7   2017.6.9

    1. 修复魅族等贴吧下载图标不显示的问题

V 1.6   2017.6.4

    1.  增加右键新标签打开图片直接打开原图

    2.  提高下载的图片正确率

V 1.4   2017.6.3  

    1. 更新对 https 的支持

    2. 提高图片匹配成功率



需要配合chrome扩展 Tampermonkey 使用(firefox 为 油猴



Tampermonkey官网:http://tampermonkey.net/  打开后选择自己的浏览器安装

安装好Tampermonkey,然后打开此链接到 greasyfork 安装





  1. 每次只能下载一页
  2. 如果你需要设置图片的最小大小,可以修改脚本中的 minWidth 变量


     发现 Tampermonkey 的 API 能实现跨域下载 ,故不需要调整启动参数了:


    “ 由于新版本chrome对跨域下载更加严格,使得下载文件变成了新标签打开 ” 



                方法B:解除浏览器跨域限制,浏览器快捷方式添加启动参数  --args --disable-web-security --user-data-dir

                            操作详细看 :chrome设置--disable-web-security解决跨域

                            解除跨域限制后 才能使用打包下载

// ==UserScript==
// @name        批量下载贴吧原图
// @name:zh     批量下载贴吧原图
// @name:en     Batch srcImage downloader for tieba
// @version     2.6.1
// @description   一键打包下载贴吧中一页的原图
// @description:zh  一键打包下载贴吧中一页的原图
// @description:en  Batch Download Src Image From Baidu Tieba
// @supportURL  https://imcoder.site/a/detail/HuXBzyC
// @match       http://tieba.baidu.com/*
// @match       https://tieba.baidu.com/*
// @match       http://imgsrc.baidu.com/*
// @match       https://imgsrc.baidu.com/*
// @match       http://tiebapic.baidu.com/*
// @match       https://tiebapic.baidu.com/*
// @grant       GM_xmlHttpRequest
// @grant       GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @grant       GM_notification
// @require     https://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js
// @require     https://cdn.bootcss.com/toastr.js/2.1.3/toastr.min.js
// @require     https://cdn.bootcss.com/jszip/3.1.5/jszip.min.js
// @author      Jeffrey.Deng
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/129338
// ==/UserScript==

// @weibo       http://weibo.com/3983281402
// @blog        https://imcoder.site
// @date        2017.6.3

// @更新日志
// v.2.6.1      2019.12.16     1.修改压缩包名称为帖子的标题
//                               如果还是要以前的id作为压缩包名称,那么修改449行:"packNameBy": "title",
//                               将 packNameBy 的值 title 修改为 id, 再按 ctrl + s 保存。
// v.2.6     1.修改图片域名为tiebapic.baidu.com时下载图片显示“你查看的图片不存在的”的问题
// v 2.5.1      2019.12.11     1.修复格式化数字排序未生效的问题
// V 2.5        2019.12.2      1.修改为toastr提示方式
//                             2.采用队列下载
// V 2.4        2019.3.17      1.调整图片排序的命名,格式化数字(1显示为01),便于查看时顺序一样
//                             2.edge会闪退,原因不知,未修复
// V 2.3        2018.5.31      1.兼容edge
// V 2.2        2018.4.7       1.调整匹配图片策略
// V 2.1        2018.4.2       1.调用Tampermonkey API 实现跨域下载,无需修改启动参数
// V 2.0        2018.4.1       1.压缩包内增加贴子地址txt
//                             2.修复https不能下载
// V 1.9        2018.4.1       1.新增打包下载,图片重命名(需开启浏览器跨域)
// V 1.8        2018.3.31      1.修复BUG
//                             2.可自定义输入文件名后缀
// V 1.7        2017.6.9       1.修复魅族等贴吧下载图标不显示的问题
// V 1.6        2017.6.5       1.提高下载的图片正确率
// V 1.5        2017.6.4       1.增加右键新标签打开图片直接打开原图
// V 1.4        2017.6.3       1.更新对 https 的支持
//                             2.提高图片匹配成功率

(function (document, $) {

    $("head").append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.bootcss.com/toastr.js/2.1.3/toastr.min.css">');

    var common_utils = (function(document, $) {
        function parseURL(url) {
            var a = document.createElement('a');
            a.href = url;
            return {
                source: url,
                protocol: a.protocol.replace(':', ''),
                host: a.hostname,
                port: a.port,
                query: a.search,
                params: (function () {
                    var ret = {},
                        seg = a.search.replace(/^\?/, '').split('&'),
                        len = seg.length, i = 0, s;
                    for (; i < len; i++) {
                        if (!seg[i]) {
                        s = seg[i].split('=');
                        ret[s[0]] = s[1];
                    return ret;
                file: (a.pathname.match(/\/([^\/?#]+)$/i) || [, ''])[1],
                hash: a.hash.replace('#', ''),
                path: a.pathname.replace(/^([^\/])/, '/$1'),
                relative: (a.href.match(/tps?:\/\/[^\/]+(.+)/) || [, ''])[1],
                segments: a.pathname.replace(/^\//, '').split('/')
        function ajaxDownload(url, callback, args) {
            var GM_download = GM.xmlHttpRequest || GM_xmlHttpRequest;
                method: 'GET',
                responseType: 'blob',
                url: url,
                onreadystatechange: function(responseDetails) {
                    if (responseDetails.readyState === 4) {
                        if (responseDetails.status === 200 || responseDetails.status === 0) {
                            callback(responseDetails.response, args);
                        } else {
                            callback(null, args);
                onerror: function(responseDetails) {
                    callback(null, args);
            /*try {
                var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
                xhr.open('GET', url, true);
                xhr.responseType = "blob";
                xhr.onreadystatechange = function(evt) {
                    if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
                        if (xhr.status === 200 || xhr.status === 0) {
                            callback(xhr.response, args);
                        } else {
                            callback(null, args);
            } catch (e) {
                callback(null, args);
        function fileNameFromHeader(disposition, url) {
            var result = null;
            if (disposition && /filename=.*/ig.test(disposition)) {
                result = disposition.match(/filename=.*/ig);
                return decodeURI(result[0].split("=")[1]);
            return url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
        function downloadBlobFile(content, fileName) {
            if ('msSaveOrOpenBlob' in navigator) {
                navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(content, fileName);
            } else {
                var aLink = document.createElement('a');
                aLink.download = fileName;
                aLink.style = "display:none;";
                var blob = new Blob([content]);
                aLink.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
                if (document.all) {
                    aLink.click(); //IE
                } else {
                    var evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
                    evt.initEvent("click", true, true);
                    aLink.dispatchEvent(evt); // 其它浏览器
        function downloadUrlFile(url, fileName) {
            var aLink = document.createElement('a');
            if (fileName) {
                aLink.download = fileName;
            } else {
                aLink.download = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
            aLink.target = "_blank";
            aLink.style = "display:none;";
            aLink.href = url;
            if(document.all) {
                aLink.click(); //IE
            } else {
                var evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
                evt.initEvent("click", true, true);
                aLink.dispatchEvent(evt ); // 其它浏览器
        function paddingZero(num, length) {
            return (Array(length).join("0") + num).substr(-length);
        /*  Class: TaskQueue
         *  Constructor: handler
         *      takes a function which will be the task handler to be called,
         *      handler should return Deferred object(not Promise), if not it will run immediately;
         *  methods: append
         *      appends a task to the Queue. Queue will only call a task when the previous task has finished
        var TaskQueue = function (handler) {
            var tasks = [];
            // empty resolved deferred object
            var deferred = $.when();

            // handle the next object
            function handleNextTask() {
                // if the current deferred task has resolved and there are more tasks
                if (deferred.state() == "resolved" && tasks.length > 0) {
                    // grab a task
                    var task = tasks.shift();
                    // set the deferred to be deferred returned from the handler
                    deferred = handler(task);
                    // if its not a deferred object then set it to be an empty deferred object
                    if (!(deferred && deferred.promise)) {
                        deferred = $.when();
                    // if we have tasks left then handle the next one when the current one
                    // is done.
                    if (tasks.length >= 0) {
                        deferred.fail(function () {
                            tasks = [];

            // appends a task.
            this.append = function (task) {
                // add to the array
                // handle the next task
        var context = {
            "ajaxDownload": ajaxDownload,
            "fileNameFromHeader": fileNameFromHeader,
            "downloadBlobFile": downloadBlobFile,
            "downloadUrlFile": downloadUrlFile,
            "parseURL": parseURL,
            "paddingZero": paddingZero,
            "TaskQueue": TaskQueue
        return context;
    })(document, jQuery);

    var options = {
        "type": 2,
        "isNeedConfirmDownload": true,
        "useQueueDownloadThreshold": 0,
        "suffix": null,
        "callback": {
            "parseLocationInfo_callback": function (location_info, options) {
                return common_utils.parseURL(document.location.href);
            "parseFiles_callback": function (location_info, options) {
                // file.url file.folder_sort_index
                // not folder_sort_index -> use fileName
                var files = [];
                return files;
            "makeNames_callback": function (arr, location_info, options) {
                var names = {};
                var time = new Date().getTime();
                names.zipName = "pack_" + time;
                names.folderName = names.zipName;
                names.infoName = null;
                names.infoValue = null;
                names.prefix = time;
                names.suffix = options.suffix;
                return names;
            "beforeFilesDownload_callback": function (files, names, location_info, options, zip, main_folder) {
            "eachFileOnload_callback": function (blob, file, location_info, options, zipFileLength, zip, main_folder, folder) {
            "allFilesOnload_callback": function (files, names, location_info, options, zip, main_folder) {
            "beforeZipFileDownload_callback": function (zip_blob, files, names, location_info, options, zip, main_folder) {
                common_utils.downloadBlobFile(zip_blob, names.zipName + ".zip");

    var ajaxDownloadAndZipFiles = function (files, names, location_info, options) {
        // GM_notification("开始下载~", names.zipName);
        var notify_start = toastr.success("正在打包~", names.zipName, {
            "progressBar": false,
            "hideDuration": 0,
            "showDuration": 0,
            "timeOut": 0,
            "closeButton": false
        if (files && files.length > 0) {
            var zip = new JSZip();
            var main_folder = zip.folder(names.folderName);
            var zipFileLength = 0;
            var maxIndex = files.length;
            var paddingZeroLength = (files.length + "").length;
            if (names.infoName) {
                main_folder.file(names.infoName, names.infoValue);
            options.callback.beforeFilesDownload_callback(files, names, location_info, options, zip, main_folder);
            var downloadFile = function (file, resolveCallback) {
                common_utils.ajaxDownload(file.url, function (blob, file) {
                    var folder = file.location ? main_folder.folder(file.location) : main_folder;
                    var isSave = options.callback.eachFileOnload_callback(blob, file, location_info, options, zipFileLength, zip, main_folder, folder);
                    if (isSave != false) {
                        if (file.fileName) {
                            folder.file(file.fileName, blob);
                        } else {
                            var suffix = names.suffix || file.url.substring(file.url.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
                            file.fileName = names.prefix + "_" + common_utils.paddingZero(file.folder_sort_index, paddingZeroLength) + "." + suffix;
                            folder.file(file.fileName, blob);
                    notify_start.find(".toast-message").text("正在打包~ 第 " + zipFileLength + " 张");
                    resolveCallback && resolveCallback();   // resolve延迟对象
                    if (zipFileLength >= maxIndex) {
                        options.callback.allFilesOnload_callback(files, names, location_info, options, zip, main_folder);
                        zip.generateAsync({type: "blob"}).then(function (content) {
                            options.callback.beforeZipFileDownload_callback(content, files, names, location_info, options, zip, main_folder);
                        // GM_notification({text: "打包下载完成!", title: names.zipName, highlight : true});
                        notify_start.css("display", "none").remove();
                        toastr.success("下载完成!", names.zipName, {"progressBar": false, timeOut: 0});
                }, file);
            if (maxIndex < options.useQueueDownloadThreshold) {
                // 并发数在useQueueDownloadThreshold内,直接下载
                for (var i = 0; i < maxIndex; i++) {
            } else {
                // 并发数在useQueueDownloadThreshold之上,采用队列下载
                var queue = new common_utils.TaskQueue(function (file) {
                    if (file) {
                        var dfd = $.Deferred();
                        downloadFile(file, function () {
                        return dfd;
                for (var j = 0; j < maxIndex; j++) {
        } else {
            toastr.remove(notify_start, true);
            toastr.error("未解析到图片!", "错误", {"progressBar": false});

    /** 批量下载 **/
    function batchDownload(config) {
        try {
            options = $.extend(true, options, config);
            var location_info = options.callback.parseLocationInfo_callback(options);
            var files = options.callback.parseFiles_callback(location_info, options);

            if (files && files.length > 0) {
                if (options.isNeedConfirmDownload && confirm("是否下载 " + files.length + " 张图片")) {
                    if (options.type == 1) {
                        urlDownload(files, names, location_info, options);
                    } else {
                        var names = options.callback.makeNames_callback(files, location_info, options);
                        ajaxDownloadAndZipFiles(files, names, location_info, options);
            } else {
                toastr.error("未找到图片~", "");
        } catch (e) {
            // GM_notification("批量下载照片 出现错误!", "");
            console.warn("批量下载照片 出现错误!, exception: ", e);
            toastr.error("批量下载照片 出现错误!", "");


    /** 下载 **/
    function urlDownload(photos, names, location_info, options) {
        GM_notification("开始下载~", names.zipName);
        var index = 0;
        var interval = setInterval(function () {
            if (index < photos.length) {
                var url = photos[index].url;
                var fileName = null;
                if (!names.suffix) {
                    fileName = names.prefix + "_" + (index + 1) + url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('.'));
                } else {
                    fileName = names.prefix + "_" + (index + 1) + "." + names.suffix;
                common_utils.downloadUrlFile(url, fileName);
            } else {
        }, 100);

    function initRightClickOpenSource() {
        var url = document.location.toString();
        var m = null;
        if(!(m = url.match(/^https?:\/\/(imgsrc|tiebapic)\.baidu\.com\/forum\/pic\/item\/.+/i))){
            if( (m = url.match(/^(https?):\/\/(imgsrc|imgsa|tiebapic|\w+\.hiphotos)\.(?:bdimg|baidu)\.com\/(?:forum|album)\/.+\/(\w+\.(?:jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp|webp))(?:\?.+)?$/i)) ){
                document.location = m[1] + "://" + (m[2] == "tiebapic" ? "tiebapic" : "imgsrc") + ".baidu.com/forum/pic/item/" + m[3];

    /*** start main ***/


    var rightParent = null;
    var html = "";
    var liCount = $('ul', $('#tb_nav')).eq(0).find('li').length;
    var liArr = $('ul', $('#tb_nav')).eq(0).find('li');
    var rightLi = liArr[liCount - 1];
    if ($(rightLi).hasClass('none_right_border')) {
        var tab = liArr[liCount - 2];
        var isStarTie = $(rightLi).hasClass("star_nav_tab");
        var rightHtml = "";
        if (isStarTie) {
            rightHtml = '<li class="star_nav_tab ">' + $(rightLi).html() + '</li>';
        } else {
            rightHtml = '<li class="j_tbnav_tab">' + $(rightLi).html() + '</li>';

        if (isStarTie) {
            html = '<div class="star_nav_tab_inner"><div class="space">' +
                '<a title="点击下载本页图片" class="star_nav_ico star_nav_ico_photo" id="batchDownloadBtn"><i class="icon"></i>下载</a></div></div>';
        } else {
            html = '<div class="tbnav_tab_inner"><p class="space">' +
                '<a  title="点击下载本页图片" class="nav_icon icon_jingpin  j_tbnav_tab_a" id="batchDownloadBtn"  location="tabplay" >下载</a>' +
    } else {
        html = '<li class="j_tbnav_tab">' +
            '<a class=" j_tbnav_tab_a" id="batchDownloadBtn">下载</a> </li>';

    $('#batchDownloadBtn').click(function () {

    unsafeWindow.tiebaImagesDownload = function (options) {
        var config = {
            "type": 2,
            "minWidth": 100,
            "suffix": null,
            "packNameBy": "title", // "id" or "title"
            "callback": {
                "parseFiles_callback": function (location_info, options) {
                    var photo_arr = [];
                    var part_nodes_one = $('.d_post_content,.d_post_content_main').find("img");
                    //var part_nodes_two = $('.d_post_content_main,.post_bubble_middle,.d_post_content').find("img");
                    $.each(part_nodes_one, function(i, img){
                        // 如果是广告图片则跳过
                        if (img.parentNode.tagName == "A" && img.parentNode.className.indexOf("j_click_stats") != -1 ) {
                            return true;
                        if(img.clientWidth >= options.minWidth) {
                            if (img.className == "BDE_Image" || img.className == "d_content_img") {
                                var photo = {};
                                photo.location = "";
                                var thumb_url = img.src;
                                photo.folder_sort_index = photo_arr.length + 1;
                                // 如果是用户上传的图片
                                if (img.getAttribute("pic_type") == "0") {
                                    var urlMatcher = thumb_url.match(/^(https?):\/\/([a-zA-Z]+)\..*\/([^/]+)$/);
                                    photo.url = urlMatcher[1] + "://" + (urlMatcher[2] == "tiebapic" ? "tiebapic" : "imgsrc") + ".baidu.com/forum/pic/item/" + urlMatcher[3];
                                // 如果是用户引用的图片
                                else {
                                    var m = thumb_url.match(/^(https?):\/\/(imgsrc|imgsa|tiebapic|\w+\.hiphotos)\.(?:bdimg|baidu)\.com\/(?:forum|album)\/.+\/(\w+\.(?:jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp|webp))(?:\?.+)?$/i);
                                    // 如果引用的是贴吧图片
                                    if (m !== null) {
                                        photo.url = m[1] + "://" + (m[2] == "tiebapic" ? "tiebapic" : "imgsrc") + ".baidu.com/forum/pic/item/" + m[3];
                                    } else {
                                        photo.url = thumb_url;
                                photo.location = "photos";
                    return photo_arr;
                "makeNames_callback": function (photos, location_info, options) {
                    var names = {};
                    var tie_id = location_info.file;
                    var pn = location_info.params.pn || 1;
                    var title = $(".core_title_txt").attr("title");
                    names.infoName = "tie_info.txt";
                    names.infoValue = "id:" + tie_id + "\r\n" +
                        "title:" + title + "\r\n" +
                        "url:" + location_info.source + "\r\n" +
                        "page:" + pn + "\r\n" +
                        "image_amount:" + photos.length + "\r\n";
                    names.zipName = (options.packNameBy == "id" ? ("tie_" + tie_id) : title) + (pn == 1 ? "" : ("_" + pn));
                    names.folderName = names.zipName;
                    names.prefix = tie_id + "_" + common_utils.paddingZero(pn, 3);
                    names.suffix = options.suffix;
                    return names;
                "beforeFilesDownload_callback": function(photos, names, location_info, options, zip, main_folder) {
                    var photo_urls_str = "";
                    var paddingZeroLength = (photos.length + "").length;
                    $.each(photos, function(i, photo){
                        var photoDefaultName = names.prefix + "_" + common_utils.paddingZero(photo.folder_sort_index, paddingZeroLength) + "." + (names.suffix || photo.url.substring(photo.url.lastIndexOf('.') + 1));
                        photo.fileName = photoDefaultName;
                        var line = ((photo.location ? (photo.location + "/") : "" ) + photo.fileName) + "\t" + photo.url + "\r\n";
                        photo_urls_str += line;
                    main_folder.file("photo_url_list.txt", photo_urls_str);
                    options.failFiles = undefined;
                "eachFileOnload_callback": function(blob, photo, location_info, options, zipFileLength, zip, main_folder, folder) {
                    if (blob == null) {
                        if (!options.failFiles) {
                            options.failFiles = [];
                    return true;
                "allFilesOnload_callback": function (photos, names, location_info, options, zip, main_folder) {
                    if (options.failFiles && options.failFiles.length > 0) {
                        toastr.error("共 " + options.failFiles.length + " 张下载失败,已记录在photos_fail_list.txt!", "", {"progressBar": false, timeOut: 0});
                        var failPhotoListStr = "";
                        for (var i in options.failFiles) {
                            var failFile = options.failFiles[i];
                            failPhotoListStr += (failFile.location + "/" + failFile.fileName + "\t" + failFile.url + "\r\n");
                        main_folder.file("photos_fail_list.txt", failPhotoListStr);
        if (options) {
            $.extend(true, config , options);

})(document, jQuery);
